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House finding

Dearest Brinkley, We found our new home!  You are going to love it.  There are almost 11 acres of land, including woods and nature trails.  The amount of exploring you will get to do is going to be awesome.  Our house is nice and cozy, just the right size for me to keep up with, and the bedrooms are huge!  You will have plenty of room for all your toys and superhero costumes.  There's also....a second house!  Small but with a loft and kitchen and bathroom and all....perfect for Granddaddy (and our other friends and family) to come visit.  We will also put the pool table in there and I have a feeling you will enjoy hanging out in that space as you get older.  You and I will mow the grass with the zero-turn while your Daddy mows with a tractor.  When you get older, he will teach you how to drive the tractor yourself.  I know you will enjoy that.  There will be many milestones at our new home.  Oh and by the way, the beach is less than a mile away and there's a splash pad and a p
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House Hunting

Dear Brinkley, We are in the process of finding our new forever house.  I took a job in New Orleans, LA so that we could be near the coast.  We can talk more about all that later, but I just wanted to get some thoughts out about how to find the perfect place.  There is a house that we all love....but I don't think we need to get it.  It's a difficult process to balance all the things that would be best for our family. I can just see myself cooking in that kitchen, looking over in the living room while you and your Daddy play cars or color. I can just see myself sitting on that incredibly peaceful back porch, looking over the big yard to the bayou, while you throw the frisbee to Cooper or ride your jeep. I can just see myself playing with you in the yard, driving the RZR around and making mud puddles. I can just see myself, on a bad day, still feeling at peace and at home in that secluded area, while you ride your bike down the quiet street. But it's not all abou